
Showing posts from January, 2020

new you keto been on a plane it's a

new you keto  been on a plane it's a kind of reverse the blood flow and kind of reawakens the body in a way that makes you feel refreshed so we'll take two more breaths here you can kind of play with flexing or relaxing the feet if you're looking for more passive approach to this posture you can kind of just relax and let them hang and if you want a slight stretch in the hamstring you can play with flexing them back or you can do a combination of the two and if you would like to make this waterfall posture your shavasana you're welcome to pause the video but if not we'\ ll move on to our final resting pose shavasana you'll slowly bend the legs bringing them back onto your mat and gently lift your hips up coming into your shavasana bringing your feet a little wider than hips distance apart slightly tucking the shoulder blades under your back and lying with the palms facing up closing the eyes relaxing breath and taking your  new you keto diet    final just take

slimphoria keto of the time I'm so incredibly careful

slimphoria keto  of the time I'm so incredibly careful with what I eat and I am incredible ly careful English is hard I'm incredibly careful with what I purchased just because I like to live the most ethical lifestyle possible so when you think of keto you think standard American diet you think bacon and eggs and avocado pretty much and like salmon lots of omega-3s and all those healthy things however I have not done keto in the way that somebody coming from a standard American diet would just because and for those of you don't know what keto is I should start with that it's pretty much a very high fat diet moderate protein and low carb so before y'all freak out about like having no carbs or low carbs I do want to say I eat vegetables I eat my healthy greens I eat berries like raspberries blueberries strawberries like anything I want I generally only one or two meals a day because I'm not usually hungry until at least like 12 p.m. till like 4:00 p.m. so I kind o

countdown keto effective no weapon if we

countdown keto  effective no weapon if we cultivate it and maybe we can use what I call a low temperatures extraction everything maybe is more effective when people share with me their testimonial I cannot believe what I heard what I see it just works like something that you in one belief gain anima is my is my first choice because get anima in this Chinese nation is combined the highest even highest and didn't say you know the highest away so that it's not at the king of clubs okay the king of cups is not me who put on in a know that the name is his name Trotter last two thousand years three largest Chinese coggan anima the king of clubs [Music] many people are asking we are so successful with Manama why shall we go for spirulina any plant they have the advantage they also have the limitation the limitation of Kodama said there's no chlorophyll then a guru no Massa don't have this many this amino acid but when you come to this a spirulina Spina is if it's a it'

gravity theory cream stronger to use it once

gravity theory cream  stronger to use it once or twice a week guess what will happen to the skin sensitization gets sensitive networking tickets the witness can do whatever this skin that feels like a shoe leather human that skin he's gonna suffer so anything with the skincare you have to use your common sense it exfoliates but with the sill acidic acid you have to be careful it's there is no coloration but me being Who I am and what I am and how my attitude is I will say I would not recommend for pregnant ladies basically look at it as a exfoliant that has a vitamin C to it we have five serums in the line we have the collagen elastin even the name tells you what it is okay collagen the last intelligent usually is good for any type of skin now what you have to keep in mind that different lines use the same ingredie nts but the way it's used so in my line c  gravity theory cream Buy   ollagen can go from very oily to very dry skin it will work I have the collagen elastin

DXN Code Strike w you how hair at the

DXN Code Strike  w you how hair at the back of my head twist the loose hair and wrap it around itself at the build up on off to style my natural hair texture all I do is braid a French braid along the side of my face up to my ear you're always dry and set the effect is even better so all I do is take small sections of hair and I'm dampening them with the same water mixture and then spring a little bit of hairspray on them again ponytail through the elastic about an inch on the last pull through then I'm taking the ponytail and wrapping it around the little loop and pinning the hair down to c reate a cute little top knot if you're having a really bad hair day and want to try something that will hide all of your hair and doesn't require heat you'll want to try this next hairstyle section your hair in half and tie both halves up into a high ponytail like this then twist each ponytail one at a time and wrap it around the base and pin in place with bobby pins thi

Evianne I'm Anderson oh yeah ma

Evianne  I'm Anderson oh yeah ma fille car no I'll just go harm out I'll just from my tomato egg muffin the lost the lost and found beat me I do I could use it and watch for bidding Oh pick up och glad that days over y a baby Sophia cookie I are his office in the hall nice going up wuhan at the kitchen la as much as my hatred for be happy friends now what's better yet I  wish Ioh yeah I'm Anderson oh yeah ma fille car no I'll just go harm out I'll just from my tomato egg muffin after a trainer i swear i saw something wrong there under the altar problema quite a bit over the healthy come on Joey oh how does / sneaky over the valley of the day yeah let's do love you till then oh holy in in duffel oppa face off real madrid made us a faux news bureau out on transfers Phil Moniz after the next on coming in dundee before you f  evianne reviews   ill in for turkey nice and don't look at all that they need for sale affair later I need that's wrong wi