new you keto been on a plane it's a

new you keto been on a plane it's a kind of reverse the blood flow and kind of reawakens the body in a way that makes you feel refreshed so we'll take two more breaths here you can kind of play with flexing or relaxing the feet if you're looking for more passive approach to this posture you can kind of just relax and let them hang and if you want a slight stretch in the hamstring you can play with flexing them back or you can do a combination of the two and if you would like to make this waterfall posture your shavasana you're welcome to pause the video but if not we'\

ll move on to our final resting pose shavasana you'll slowly bend the legs bringing them back onto your mat and gently lift your hips up coming into your shavasana bringing your feet a little wider than hips distance apart slightly tucking the shoulder blades under your back and lying with the palms facing up closing the eyes relaxing breath and taking your new you keto diet  final just take deep breaths in your shavasana letting your breath slow down and return to its natural pace and notice if anything feels a little different after your practice on the mat with me today your legs feel stronger does your core feel stronger or was there a mental shift anything that feels different just take notice and be proud of yourself for coming on to your math today and being a part of


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